
Saturday, November 16, 2019

History of C++

What is C ++? 

    C++ is one of the popular programming languages that has been proven to be widely used by practitioners and scientists to develop large-scale programs (applications), such as games (computer game programs, programs for research in science, embedded systems, etc. In fact, C++ can also be used to develop web-based applications.There are several web frameworks that can be used for these purposes, including:
 - Crow (
 - CppCMS (
 - TreeFrog (
 - Silicon (

       Although currently there are many new programming languages, but in reality C++ still occupies the top three of the languages most widely used by programmers, in addition to the C & Java languages.

A brief history of C ++
        At first the computer language was used to assist in doing telemetry calculations. At that time, the language used was very primitive because it was still a machine language that only knew numbers 1 and 0. Furthermore, the machine language was simplified into a language that was somewhat understood by presenting special commands called mnemonic terms such as ADD, MOV, JMP and other. This language is called Assembly language which is still included in the lower level languages.
        In 1969, the Bell AT&T laboratory in Murray Hill, New Jersey used this Assembly language to develop the UNIX operating system. The intention is to make an operating system that can be "programmer-friendly". After UNIX was running, Ken Thompson, a system developer in the laboratory, developed a new programming language named B. The letter B was taken from BCPL. Language B is then used to rewrite or revise the UNIX operating system. Because this B language is an interpreter and is slow, in 1971, the UNIX operating system was then rewritten using C language, a programming language developed by Dennis Ritchie, a system developer in the same laboratory.

      Until now C language is still used to develop programs, especially those related to hardware access, microcontrollers, and operating system programming. Linux and Windows are examples of operating systems developed using the C language. That is the reason that makes the C language so popular in the software industry. But unfortunately C language is a procedural language (oriented to the formation of functions). If the program being developed has started to be large, the design of the program becomes complicated and a lot of code must be made. To simplify the design, in 1979, a doctor named Bjarne Stroustrup who at that time also worked in the same laboratory began designing a new language that supports object-oriented programming, but still carried the capabilities of the C language. Initially, the language was named " C with classes ". Then, in 1983 the name was changed to C ++, which means increment of the C language.

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